
Today I received two cans of the absolute best canned salmon one can buy. It came from my friend Jon as a way of saying thanks for some memory I gave him when I upgraded my machine. This stuff has the bones and the skin on and is just delicious.

Oh, and by the way, welcome to the new blog feature of my website. Although I kinda wish I’d had this for the last four years (college,) I guess I never had the time to really sit down and figure it out. But in line with my redesign of the entire site, I finally did, and now you are lucky enough to be reading my first ever post.

I will try to be somewhat amusing / thoughtful /etc, although I feel my mind going already.

1 thought on “Salmon

  1. Kellen

    oh dear, another blogger! at least you will bring some sense, order, and good stories to the universe of blogging, and plenty of well-informed commentary. ytay!

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