Weekend Update

My friend Andrew came up from CT this weekend and we got to hang out for a while. Went downtown to the Customs House and got to go to the observation deck above the clock face. Great views of the city. We also had tickets to the opening night of Farenheight 9/11 at the Fenway theater. It was fun to be in a totally sold-out theater with everyone glued to the screen for the entire time. Definitely one of Moore’s best since Roger and Me. This movie may just be preaching to the choir, but if it gets 10 people to vote against Bush, then it has done well.

After a lovely dinner in East Boston with some friends, Andrew departed and Jude and Chris visited. We went hiking around town, visiting an abandoned ski slope which is always cool. Some people had constructed a jump out of wood which must have been real fun this past winter.

Lastly, I need a new job. The moving gig was good for a while, but the work is so sporadic that I just can’t rely on it at all. So if you want to hire me, check out the resume and then do so!