Swimmin in the Rain

Hello loyal reader(s)!

I recently returned from a great get together this weekend at Margaret’s place in New Haven. Before that, I was able to visit Camille and Cinestudio down in Hartford, before spending the night with Melissa. She and I headed down to New Haven a little early and poked around Yale. We were actually able to get into their MANMOUTH gym complex and somehow made it all the way up to the roof. The party itself was quite good, with plenty of good alcohol, namely: Mikes, Bass, Killians, Newcastle and assorted wines. After watching the fireworks show and posing as hookers, we spent the night discussing love, politics and a number of arcane topics. The next day me and the guys cooked for the ladies, then bid them adieu.

The gem of the weekend came next with Chris and I heading to Haddam to visit Gillette Castle. For those of you who have never been (and I assume that’s most of you,) William Gillette was the guy who adapted Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes character for the American stage. Gillette made millions as an actor, then build himself this castle overlooking the Connecticut River. The trip there was a little difficult considering it was absolutely pouring, but the rain and thunder only added to the castle ambiance.

Going on a little hike, Chris and I were able to locate the remains of Gillette’s private railway that once circulated his grounds. Then, wandering down to the river, I took a little swim in the rain. Interestingly enough, the boat upon which a senior week party was held passed by as we were down by the water, bringing with it some good memories.

Then after locking my keys in my car in downtown Hartford, I returned home… alas, the adventure was over. During all that I was able to work in a visit with a client who needs some work done, so I’ll have a little something to keep me busy for the week. There’s much to discuss in national politics, but I’ll save that for later.