Getting Out

I was on the green line heading downtown when we pulled into longwood. A woman, who had obviously been waiting for one of the doors behind me, came scampering through the trolley shouting to the driver, “I have to get out!” She got out, and we all moved right along.

2 thoughts on “Getting Out

  1. Big Tex

    When I was reading your post, it reminded me of a time when I was in DC. I was riding the subway from Union Station to Arlington. I do not remember which station it was, but a guy walked on to the train and started singing! He actually just started singing. This went on for about 10 minutes until we reached Reagan National Airport. The man prompltly got off, and continued singing as he walked down the hall towards the airport. As the doors closed, all of us left on the subway, looked at each other and smiled. I don’t know why he was singing, but it was very amusing and in some way brought me closer(if only for a few moments) to my fellow passengers. I imagine this might have also happened to you.

  2. Matt

    Regarding Comments:

    If you see “This post has been removed by a blog administrator,” I have probably deleted it because it is a repeat. It is not my policy at all to remove comments I don’t agree with. I just think it’s better to remove repeats. Just wanted you all to know. Plus the comments system seems to be very slow on this blog and I’m looking into that.


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