Median Percentile

Well I’ve been looking over various websites on Law Schools tonight. I’m really starting to think that I would like to go to California wherever I end up next for school. And though I’m not even sure Law School is what I want to do, I have my LSAT score, so it can’t hurt to use it. I guess the three options are: Law School – Grad School in English – Teachers College. All three are appealing, honestly. But I’m told by different sources that “you can use a law degree in many ways…” Although I assume most with law degrees become LAWYERS – uuuh. Well, if I was to go into law, I would like to study either environmental, 1st amendment or glbt. Not interested in corporate or patent law – boooring.

But I wonder if the JD would help me become a professor. Of course my ideal job is standing in front of a vast lecture hall delivering long speaches while wearing argyle sox, an argyle sweater and smoking a pipe. If I can be anything like Grady Tripp then I’ll be happy. I know you who know what my immediate next plans are may think I’m jumping the gun here, but I’d like to be able to transition from PC to school ASAP and not have any dead time in between where I’ll be forced to find a dumb job.

I’m 100% sure that I can handle any graduate level program, what I’m worried about is finding one that excites me. That’s when I do my best work. So I’ll be doing my homework as much as I can virtually.

1 thought on “Median Percentile

  1. Anonymous

    Go for it! I think you’d look great in argyle socks and a pipe. And yeah, I guess legal skills are somewhat important too.

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