The Last Straw

I watched the RNC – I re-watched both Bush’s and Kerry’s speeches – I’m trying to keep my ears open to both parties. However, yesterday was the final straw. Dick Cheney, at a “Town Hall Meeting” (read – Republican only softball session) stated:

“It’s absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we’ll get hit again and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.”

Read – A Vote for Kerry is a Vote For Terrorism!

Edwards soon replied:

“Dick Cheney’s scare tactics crossed the line today, showing once again that he and George Bush will do anything and say anything to save their jobs. Protecting America from vicious terrorists is not a Democratic or Republican issue and Dick Cheney and George Bush should know that. John Kerry and I will keep America safe, and we will not divide the American people to do it.”

Now I’ve heard how this administration likes to stifle dissent, but this whole situation really brought the point home. To equate those who approach foreign policy differently than you with terrorists is:

a) disingenuous
b) un-American
c) shameful
d) blatant exploitation of peoples’ fears for personal gain.

I’m fed up with not being able to trust ANYTHING that my government says, and I’m now going to make sure these oil industry religious right fatcats are voted out of office.

1 thought on “The Last Straw

  1. Anonymous

    I read that too! That Cheney comment floored me, not only because the message itself is so ridiculous, but also because I was amazed that he’d resort to such an unsubtle and illogical argument.

    What, we won’t be attacked with Bush in office? It wasn’t a Democrat who was in the Oval Office – or, to be precise, wasn’t in the Oval Office – on 9/11. It’s not at all clear that the world is a safer place since the commencement of Bush’s cowboy diplomacy.

    That’s the sort of statement that should be followed by “Bush has a magical terrorist-repulsing halo given to him by the Lord Almighty. That’s why voting him in will protect us from a devastating terrorist attack.”

    In retrospect, I don’t understand why Cheney didn’t actually say something like that. A good 60% of America would probably believe him.

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