Greek Wedding

Back from a great time in New Jersey. A cousin of mine got married yesterday so I got to see the whole of that side of the family. Interesting thing is that my cousin had to convert to the Greek Orthodox church in order to marry this guy! Normally I’d be wary of that, but her husband is a really worthy guy.

So the ceremony was at a Greek Orthodox church and was, in my opinion, very regimental and not so warm. Also my whole family picked up on the strong patriarchical overtones present in the service. The one thing that really annoyed me, though, was when the bride and groom were introduced later that night at the function place, they were introduced as “Mr. and Mrs. [Guy’s First Name] [Last Name] That struck me as rather old fashioned.

Nonetheless the party was great – and I got to dance with all three of my cousins, my aunt, sister, and anyone else willing. Plus there was an open bar and a guy who would circulate taking drink orders. All in all a great party. I guess I get some of my party genes from this side of the family!

In other news, I begin a temporary job I’ve secured for myself tomorrow. It seems pretty straightforward, based on the interview. I’ll be entering handwritten photograph order information into a software system used by the company. It’s certainly not brain surgery, but it’ll help me get out of the house for a few days each week. Hopefully there are no giant curve balls here. It’s in Andover, so I’ll also have the opportunity to explore a new town.

If I do get accepted by the PC I’m def going to need an MP3 player… else I’d go crazy. So, does anyone have some firsthand experiences with these. I’ve been holding out for a while, and I know there are tons of products on the market. I’m especially interested in the Creative Zen – which I think is a relatively new player. Any help would be appreciated! Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow so that I don’t crash their entire computer network or anything else bad like that…

For now.

1 thought on “Greek Wedding

  1. Anonymous

    I’ve never appreciated the patriarchal traditions surrounding weddings. I’ve been to two weddings so far, and even though the people getting married were my good friends, the whole “transferral of property” business rubbed me the wrong way. I swear, if I get married at all, it’s either going to be an elopement or a five-minute session at the Justice of the Peace’s office, or something equally non-traditional.

    Congrats on the job, by the way. As for the MP3 player, have you considered an iPod? 🙂

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