Debating Republicans

Tomorrow – Important – Vote – Future…

It has been a great weekend. Saturday marked the IVth annual pumpkin party. Unfortunately, I could not host the party this year (I no longer have a dorm room and common area at my disposal.) But, Kate stepped in and did a wonderful job. The hilight of the party included playing taboo (like password and $36,000 pyramid.) Suffice to say Sam and I would have won if it wasn’t for T’s nautical excretory term…

In terms of food, it was a good few days. I got to hit up Tom Can Cook – a brilliant pan-asian restaurant in Waltham on Moody; Legal Sea Foods at Park Place; Minado on Rt. 9; Jewl of India; and Campo di Fiori. Let’s just say that two days of moving jobs paid well for my culinary delight.

Yesterday, the whole gang headed over to Walden pond. After proceeding to get seperated immediately, Jude and I decided we’d go for a swim. With Tri as our witness, Jude and I did a deck change on the sandy shore and plowed into the frigid waters of Walden. Suffice to say, it was one of those silly manly dare type moments, and after a few spasams of splashing, we both headed back out immediately. However, standing on the shore after the brief forray in the October waters, there remained an intense feeling of clarity and purity – Henry David would have been proud.

Today, Jude and I headed to the Blue Hills reservation in Canton. Taking the “Skyline Loop,” we proceded to immediately get seperated, and take two entirely different hikes, ending up back at my car two hours later within five minutes of each other. Today was one of those perfect hiking days – the air was as crisp and clear as it can only be here in the Northeast, and the sun warmed skyward facing boulders. The view of Boston from the trail, and later from an old observation tower, was flawless – the buildings, harbor islands and beyond all stood with more clarity than could ever be captured in the most expensive HDTV.

Oh, and I had a great new drink this weekend called a Grasshopper. If anyone wants to make me extra happy after dinner, then the previous sentence should be a hint.

I like if then statements.

If “For More Years,” then one very disheartened American.
If business as usual under Kerry, then one very disheartened American.
If eel sushi, then happy Matt.