Oooh, you so special.

Okay, I seem to have things running pretty well here. I installed a SubCategories plugin which ended up leading me in an ugly direction. So, for the time being, there are no categories 🙂 But I’m going to look more deeply into the built-in system that MT offers. I’ve designed the blog to look very similar to its previous incarnation.

On the front page, there will be about 8 entries listed. To get to the individual post’s archive page, use either the menu at the left, or click on the Date in the “Posted by Matt at DATE” area at the bottom of the post. To the right of this is the Comments tag, which will show how many comments have been made. If no comments have been made and you click on it, you will be taken to the comment section of the post’s individual archive page. If comments have been made, you will be taken to that post’s first comment – simply scroll down to add your own comment after reading the others.

Regarding comments. I currently have them set up to allow anon posts. You can also sign in to a TypeKey identity for posting to this blog. To do so, click on the words “log in” where it says “If you have a TypeKey identity, you can sign in to use it here.” Hopefully the comments will be able to remain open like this. If the spam levels get too high, I’ll look in to other alternatives. I do recomend the TypeKey service, though.

I have disabled the TrackBack option, because I’m not sure I like that feature – I find it clutters and distracts from sites. Though if there are requests (doubtful) I can enable them.

The three unfinished areas are: Category System – Search – Comment Preview. If you use the search or comment preview function, you will see a default Movable Type template. This is happening because, as .cgi pages, I’m unable to use includes, which give the rest of the blog its look and feel. If anyone wants to help me out with this, I have plenty of Cadbury chocolate for you.

Lastly, I’ve enabled the Extended Entry feature. To test it out, click on the link “Continue reading ” below:

You’ll now find youself at this post’s archive page. Here you can read the rest of the entry (handy should I decide to do more rants on religious wackos.) Again, scroll down for the commenting system.

I’ve made this move because I was getting annoyed with Blogger’s varying server speeds… some days it was fine, others not. Plus, I like to mess around, (even when I shouldn’t,) and though I only understand about 5% of the MT system, I see many possibilities for future expansion.

But, that said, I’ll try not to fuss endlessly, and instead get back to providing you, my loyal reader(s) with pithy insights on a wide variety of topics. For now.

1 thought on “Oooh, you so special.

  1. Chris

    0M6 ur s0 133t!!!111 u PWN MT!!!!!1111

    I prefer the anon commenting myself, but my experimental blog is getting deluged by random babblings from “free online poker” again, so I may have to change this. I’ve heard some blogs offer a feature where users can enter a random code contained in an image, instead of logging in. Maybe MT has a plugin for this?

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