Moonlight with Deer

It’s 1 AM on Sunday and I just got back from my job at the ___ Golf Club. Ya know, although working as function waiter may not sound like the best gig in the world, here it’s really not bad. I work with simply a great group of people. Half are young Americans like me, and the other half are Brazilians of all ages… some are waiters, some buspeople, others cooks. The thing is, everyone is good. Yeah, I know, good really isn’t the most descriptive word, but I think it’s the right one. These people are honest, hard working, and have a endless well of humor.

Just this night, the party, which was supposed to end at midnight, decided to keep going for another hour. There was a group of young ladies dancing and they didn’t want to stop. Despite the requisite grumbling among us about how we wanted to go home, I could sense that we were happy because our guests were happy (and very polite.) For the last two songs, my boss and two of the Brazilian waiters decided to join the guests on the dance floor. Me and the Vietnamese busman decided to watch…

And it got me thinking. Though these people had a working, but not completely fluent grasp of English, and would thus probably work service jobs for quite a while if not their entire lives, they are kind, they are good, and they enjoy a good 80’s song. Though I’m glad to be working here, I know that come January, I’ll be leaving for greener (or golden brown to be precise) pastures. Maybe that allows me the rose tinted glasses… But I’m glad I ended up here, rather than at some job stuck behind a computer. For all the good of the internet, there’s something irreplaceable about a good team.