Mix Away

What’s worse than waiting on former frat boys?


Waiting on future frat boys.

Today wrapped up, thankfully, the christmas party weekend at ___ Country Club. The first night was all the adult members. This party rocked. We’re talking: huge ice sculpture raw bar, sushi bar, peking duck, prime rib, and a chocolate fountain. The chocolate fountain was awesome…. the lady brought it back to the kitchen and hooked it up after they were done outside, and the whole staff gathered round it, dipping strawberries and pineapple into the warm chocolatey goodness.

But, all good things must come to an end, and these past two days kinda summed that up. Here we had the children’s christmas party. We need to have it twice because there are so many damn kids (lots of Roman Catholic members…) So we set up a kid buffet, with like fries and mini hot dogs. And we prepare 20 pitchers of shirley temples and another 20 of chocolate milk, and set up unlimited self serve soda stations. Add this to the extensive cookie and cupcake bar, and you can imagine that we have many many kids on a wild sugar high. Then santa arrives via helicopter in front of the clubhouse! After santa arrives, the kids wait in line to visit with him, which takes about 2 hours from start to finish.

So, as you can imagine, though they were mostly well behaved, I’ve been around way too many kids for these past two days. Tonight I intend to relax with a new creation I’ve come across:

Blended: A few scoops of chocolate chip ice cream… some milk… a handfull of peanut M&M’s… Kahlua.

Reading that, it’s kinda a kiddie drink except for the Kahlua… so what can I say? Though we may not all run around screeching with baloon swords and reindeer hats anymore, we all still have a little cupcake on our faces.