
Well I just got back from my last night as a waiter at the Golf Club. Although it was a good gig for this past month or so, I don’t think I could have done it much longer. Although I won’t miss having to reset tables and bus other peoples’ dirty dishes, I will miss the perks such as brownie sundaes and plentiful leftovers. On a funny aside, tonight in one of the rooms (the masculine room which up until 5 years ago, women were not allowed in,) Will and Grace was on the TV with a few guys intently watching. Nate, I wonder what you think about this – W&G being watched by wealthy white people in a country club. Nonetheless, it was an amusing sight.

So for the next few weeks I will be preparing for my trip and visiting friends and family. It’s looking as if a New Years party might be shaping up to take place in New York (not the city.) So for those who are in the area, please write or comment if you are interested. I’d love to see those who read this before I leave. There are a few topics I’d like to touch on before I leave, one being Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security. This is something that I fear people my age will not pay attention to although it is we who will be affected by any changes made now. I’m also open to ideas, and, for the next month, will take suggestions! Want to guest post on WD? Write me! Anything is possible….

For now.

2 thoughts on “Finished!

  1. kellen

    yo yo yo! i have a holiday gift for you, i need to meet up with you so i can give it to you.

    funny, i was watching will and grace last night too, although i’m only white, not rich and a man.

    and i will miss you when you go, you know. i will i will.

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