Road Trip!

Tomorrow I am off to a New Years Party at Chris’. If you are reading this and want to come, baring that we know each other, give me a call. That’s gonna kick off a small circuit of travel including family in NJ and friends in CT.

I’m looking forward to the trip specificaly because I just received my new Creative Zen Touch MP3 player… its something I’ve wanted for a while, and with me going away I think something that might just bring me some sanity in a strange place.

That said, I’ve been speaking a little with a recent returned volunteer from Uzbekistan, getting various tips about my own trip. So if anyone wants to donate an old laptop to poor future peace corps volunteer me (or sell me one cheap) please be in touch.

Here is a question: What is a 13 sided polygon called?

6 thoughts on “Road Trip!

  1. kellen

    ah, you phantom tollbooth afficianado you!

    say, if you want to take moxie, you can have her for free, she’s not very fast or anything, but let me know.

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