A Few Photos

Here are some snapshots from the past few weeks:

A Prized Possession

Cooking for some other volunteers.

From the Local Synagogue

Man from the Targu Mures Jewish Community – Survivor

Brightness Beyond the Clouds

6 thoughts on “A Few Photos

  1. Big Tex

    One of the people that works at my internship with me(full time) just did his interview for the PC on Wednesday. He was telling me a story about a PC person that bought a can of pringles but it was so expensive that he ate only one chip per day. As he mentioned that I was thinking about that picture you have of yourself sitting next to the Tortilla chips and referring to it as a “prized possession”. I guess it all depends on how you look at it.

  2. WD

    Dear Jim – good luck to your friend! It is funny to look at my life and say, “man, gotta ration those tortilla chips!” But, compared to the fact that I could be living in a small hut in the Kalahari (which might not be entirely bad,) such is a trifle.

    So, my guess is that you are moving to Denver to go to some school to get your PhD??? Am I right?

  3. CRBS

    Nice shots, Matt. It’s funny how American stuff we take for granted is often not available in other countries. I remember how I rarely got regular birthday cakes as a kid, because my birthday’s in the summer and we traveled a lot then – apparently the typical American birthday cake is limited to the US. So I’d get whatever the local bakery had – usually some wild-looking pastry. Makes for some great improving tales for your grandkids, though: “You damn spoiled kids, when I was in Romania, I had to ration my potato chips to one a day!!”

    Do you have any photos of local stuff, by the way? I have a strange fascination with the mundane aspects of foreign countries, like what their street signs and electrical outlets look like. I think it’s interesting to see how countries alien to the US in most respects handle the design of elements common to regular life here and there.

  4. Josh

    Nice pictures. The tortilla chips! I cooked a pretty good chicken dish the other day. I’ll send you the recipe if you want it.

    Take care,

  5. WD Post author

    Josh, yes, I’ll take any and all food suggestions! And Chris, I can just picture some fancy French tort passing as a cake… I wonder though if your non-traditional family deigned to stick candles in it… or perhaps that was too conventional 😉 I will post some mundane pictures but for now the newest ones up there are from London!

  6. CRBS

    Actually sometimes we did stick candles in them. Sometimes we didn’t because the things had all sorts of fruit and nuts on the top, and the candles wouldn’t stick.

    One cake that one really had to be careful with was this kind where the bakers hid a small ceramic figurine somewhere inside. This was in accordance with some old Parisian tradition, the details of which I don’t remember – what I do remember is my parents telling us to cut everything real thin so we wouldn’t choke on the thing.

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