Uniquely American

Teaching begins again in about 15 days. I’m pondering my syllabi, and thought I’d throw out a question to the audience.

What would you consider is uniquely American?

For instance, there is Jazz Music and Baseball. What other things would be fun to share with my students? All ideas welcome.

15 thoughts on “Uniquely American

  1. You're reason for living

    What’s uniquely American? Nothing. That’s the beauty of it. We are every culture.

  2. CRBS

    60s hippie culture. Might give them a more positive view of us.
    Superbowl parties, maybe?

    Working three jobs. Heh heh. (Google “Uniquely American” and you’ll see what I’m talking about.)

  3. Greg

    Drive-in theatres (a disappearing phenomenon, but once the very epitome of American culture, combining cars, Hollywood and fast food)
    Double cheese burgers (“If some is good, more is better!”)
    Public apologies and second acts for disgraced celebrities and politicians
    RVs (“Honk hello to Shirley and Bob of Racine, Wisconsin”)
    Low-riders, hot rods and other forms of automobile worship
    Miranda warnings & appointed counsel
    The Beat Generation

  4. Boomer

    Hippies, Bob Dylan and Blowin in the wind
    Bill Gates – the PC – Now Worldwide
    Maritn Luther King – American Non Violent Civil Rights – I have a Dream
    Lacrosse – The Native American Sport
    Consumer Culter – Now Global

  5. Leah

    The messures taken and money spent for perfect teeth. People can always single us out by our perfectly straight, white, thousand dollar smiles.

    Also, the use of the word awesome.

  6. Veronica

    Um… Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but there were hippies in other countries, too. And, something like 40% of Americans can’t go to the dentist–all good teeth mean is that you’re rich, no matter what country you are in. Take a walk in a Wal-Mart one day and check out the cashiers–puts old Benny Hill to shame dentally.

    I say, apple pie. But, I’m always up for desert.

  7. Anonymous

    all of the above, but put ice cream on the apple pie—and to go back a little bit to my time–zoot suits, dixie cups with savor-tops of hollywood stars, hand ball, roller skate hockey–and, and–the nickel subway fare, those were the days my friend——

  8. CRBS

    To continue Leah’s idea from above:


    Think you can spend an entire class period on American dialect?

  9. Boomer

    I am for universal dentistry!!!
    “Let them eat cake”
    Speaking of cake, apple pie dates back to the times of Chaucer, 1381, England.

  10. john k

    hmmm….. Most of the things listed here originated or are well-represented in other cultures/countries. Words don’t count for me, so from the list above I would include football, cheeseburgers and football.

    Wouldn’t a more interesting exercise be listing what we both have in common and highlighting the subtleties that give each side its uniqueness?

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