2 thoughts on “Great Article

  1. Big Tex

    The sad thing is that the American Muslim community has not come out and denounced the actions of these Radicals. I know a few people who have but as a populous the American Muslim community has been quite silent, and that really bothers me.

    I have read accounts about when Japanese Americans or German Americans during WWII denonced the actions of their homelands and called it a “disgrace” and a series of “unforgivable actions.” These people stood up to their homelands and their brethern becuase they knew them to be at fault.

    What fascinates me about the Muslim religion is that it has been at an almost continous war effort since its inception. After the death of Muhammad they have already begun a series of civil wars amongst themselves. They then target the Zoroastrian followers in Iran and nearly wipe them out before the majority immigrate. They then fight with the Christians and with the Jewish people and are still in the process of both.

    While I will agree that the Christian and jewish communities have also had “Holy Wars” they have stopped those hundreds of years ago. The Crusades can be thought of as the last time the Christians openly waged war against the Muslims. Yet here we are in 2006 and the Muslims keep fighting anyone and everyone.

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