And now for a slight change of pace.

Yes it has been a little quiet around here, but you know how it is… best not to write lest inspired. I’ll have some updates soon, but in the meanwhile, let’s take a look at some interesting videos:

The many faces of Mr. Pregnant

4 thoughts on “And now for a slight change of pace.

  1. Josh


    I’d say the videos are nice; but alas, it would take me a week at least to see them on my pathetic dialup. Oh Moldova. My host mom said that they closed the Chisinau-Moscow train down. The Southern folk here are pretty p-ed off. I’m sure it’s not the same for the rest of the country.

    Looking forward to Budapest.

    Take care,

  2. Calla

    Ah, Matt. Thank you for brightening my evening. I am a little blue, all alone after a rotten day at work, and to cheer myself up, I have dressed myself up in all my wedding getup, and I must say, this dress is verrrrrrry comfy. But even that was not enough to really make me laugh, but the mr. pregnant videos were.

    you know who

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