Photo Gallery

Hey all, back from a long and draining few days out of town… it’s been a busy few weeks here! Lots to say, and I promise to do so soon – same goes for any unanswered emails. And, I proudly announce a new photo gallery. I got a bit fed up with the system I was using before, Telekorn, because it was drawing a bunch of sql errors. I’ve migrated to Coppermine, an open source solution. All is online (including new pictures from my parents’ visit,) but the layout is still being tweeked. I’m off to bed, goodnight now,

1 thought on “Photo Gallery

  1. Chris

    Dude, try Gallery. It has drag and drop uploading. I’m serious. It uses a Java applet for this. And it’s customizable.

    I’m still getting to know it myself, but I’ve been happy wih it so far. Check it out.

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