2 thoughts on “High 5!

  1. Dad

    Praise inflation is a problem, but, happily, in your case, all the kudos you’ve received were well-earned. You really were the most wonderful, intelligent, creative, engaging and funny child and young man, and you are now without doubt the most gifted and dedicated Peace Corps Volunteer of all time. I have left a voice mail for Governor Patrick, so he and his cabinet (and the press) can be on hand at Logan Airport to greet you upon your return. I know ours is a tiny hometown, but… well, okay, I will let the cat out of the bag… you are going to be the guest of honor at the 4th of July parade! Plus… you will get all the ice cream you can eat!

  2. BIG TEX

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with handing out praise that is desearved, but handing it out for the sake of it is another thing all together. I rememeber when I was a little league baseball player one of my Coaches seemed to do this a lot. I remember one of my teamates was at bat and ready to get a hit. The first pitch was way over his head and ended up hitting the top of the backstop. Coach Mundt yelled out to my teammate “Good Eye, Good Eye!” to praise my teammate for not swinging at a ball that was clearly out of the strikezone. On the next pitch the ball was way out to the left and ended up in the parking lot. Again Coach Mundt yelled out to my teammate “Good Eye, Good Eye!” The third pitch went out to the right and nealry into the opposing teams dugout and without blinking Coach Mundt yelled out to my teammate “Good Eye, Good Eye!”Finally on the fourth pitch the ball bounced a few feet in fron of the plate and rolled to within a few inches of it and yet again Coach Mundt yelled out to my teammate “Good Eye, Good Eye!”. Was it really neccesary to praise the batter in that situation? I don’t know but it seemed awfully funny at the time and my dad and I still laugh about it to this day.

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