Indian Days

Hey, it’s been forever, I know. Things are humming along up here in Maine. At work I’m taking on more responsibilities and the apartment is starting to look like people actually live here. Today I left work a little early and went to Range Ponds State Park. I had wanted to go earlier in the summer but never made it, and given that today was (and still is, I’m writing on the screened in balcony out back) a taste of summer, I just had to go. The place was not crowded at all, just some locals, and was a beautiful spot to take a swim, soak up a few rays and read. It was relaxing and allowed me some time to clear my mind.

With the return of students to the campus, I’m feeling a little envious of their position. What I’d give to just be taking a few classes a week and enjoying all the other benefits that come with small liberal arts college life… I haven’t been too social lately, and I’d like to change that. Being that I don’t really have any connections up here, it is difficult for me to go out. Whereas there are some things one can do on one’s own, most things in life are better shared. I know that with time I will develop a little network up here, but for now, I’m pretty much solo, which stinks.

Over my birthday weekend and labor day, however, I did get to connect with some friends. K + N took me to a charming Thai place in Charlestown, and after that we made a mess of a both in the nearby Friendly’s. I’m really proud of them, as they are the first of my friends to get married; sure, it has been in the cards for a while, but seeing them reminds me of the great social importance of marriage, it is a sanctioning of sorts. Over labor day, T, A and I went up to Springfield, MA to the Smith and Wesson shooting range. Did you know that WD is a pretty good shot? It was quite fun, and for about 50 bucks we rented two lanes with two different types of guns and had at it for a while.

From transition may come stability, but for now, I’m

3 thoughts on “Indian Days

  1. Calla

    glad you had fun with us… i’d like to try and schedule a visit up your way to maine sometime.. october is looking busy, but there will be pumpkin party–btw I had to move it to friday when i realized i had a conflict, but that shouldn’t bother things too much. big hugs!

  2. Andrew

    Glad to hear that you are a strong supporter of the institution of marriage!

  3. Macademia

    Guns and ammo connected the country together during the Civil War.

    Glad you enjoyed the shoot ’em up with T & A…hmm, are you sure that wasn’t some hollywood film?


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