The Face

– I think live-blogging is a neat idea, but have never done/participated in it.

– I scored 124 today on an online IQ test from (no link due to excessive addage)

– I wonder if I, in some way, am an artist.

– I start to think that a disjointed list of bulleted statements beginning with “I….” may seem a bit bombastic.

– By George! It’s my own damn website, I can follow any format I wish!

– The floor is vibrating… it is either sex going on or the washing machine… really.

– I am still the guy running around naked on the quad?

– Is getting obsessive with managing his Facebook profile.

– Is proud of himself, sometimes.

3 thoughts on “The Face

  1. danno

    Because it’s your own website, you’re also allowed to use expressions like “By George!” with absolutely no added irony. It’s cool – sometimes I say things like “for sheezy”, whatever that means.

  2. Chris

    I’m going with 3 and 5. Don’t worry about formatting and do whatever the hell you want. I might get some ideas from you.

    I wish I had way too much free time on my hands.

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