Big Week

Lots of events coming up this week. For the next few days I will be in a more rural part of Maine with other VISTAs from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. I’ve put a lot of planning into this event, and I am hoping it goes well. We will be hosting guest speakers, running activities, and hopefully bonding and learning from one another. After that I get to spend a little time at home before heading down to New York for a much anticipated family wedding. This past weekend I was visited by CRBS and A and we had a fine time, as expected (pictures coming soon.) I’ve fallen behind on reading for no good reason, so I hope to get a little done over the next few days. I have a political book, some fiction and lots from my little collection that I’d like to re-read. Even in the wilds of Maine procrastination reigns… Send me some positive vibes for this event and I promise to reciprocate should you be in need anytime soon.

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