MMM… Melty

Hoodia is a spam term… where does that come from?

Anyway, I fell for this absurd thing as a consumer. Swiss Miss, which makes non-gourmet hot chocolate has a feature where you can get the mini-marshmallows from the bag. It’s a double bag, one of the powder another of the microscopic dried marshmallows. You mix the two and supposedly have the effect of freshly melted marshmallows. Sorry, but I have to tell you folks, that it just doesn’t cut it. Now I’m sipping the hot chocolate with real mini-melted-marshmallows and it’s mighty fine. Like, how hard is it to keep a bag of marshmallows around? D’oh!

1 thought on “MMM… Melty

  1. Big Tex

    Since I have been on my no sweets kick I have not had any hot chocolate so I cannot recommend any varieties to you. I will say that when I was at Trin, I did procure several of those hot chocolate powder mixes they had at Mather. A couple of those had the marshmallows mixed inside and I can tell you it tasted awful.

    The BT household would like to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and succesful new year!

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