Good for You

So when I was in high school I had just a few close friends. As it is, people drift away, taking their own paths in life. About two weeks ago I got a notice from one of my dear high school friends that he was engaged to be married – no further details. I wrote him back, and then this week got a response via email. In it he told me about how he would be getting married on Saturday and that the affair would be a, “Small-ish get-together, about 100 people of family, friends, coworkers.” Umm, okay. So, you are getting married this Saturday and write me about it on Tuesday? Am I wrong to be really offended/hurt here? I understand that we have not been in routine communication, but I feel like I’m being told that there is this great affair happening to which I am not important enough to be invited.

1 thought on “Good for You

  1. Chris

    An occasion that was small-ish enough to warrant not inviting one of my best friends from high school wouldn’t be around 100 people. I’d be hurt by this too.

    Maybe this guy thinks that it’s been long enough since he’s talked to you that it would be weird to invite you, or maybe he doesn’t like reminders of his high school days. Either way, it’s still rude to mention a wedding to a former best friend without an invitation, especially when he’s already got a hundred people coming.

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