Sometimes I like to come up with alternative goofy names for myself and others… tonight:
Matt Pepperdeaux
What would he be like, this Pepperdeaux?
Sometimes I like to come up with alternative goofy names for myself and others… tonight:
Matt Pepperdeaux
What would he be like, this Pepperdeaux?
Some of my alternative names: Gerg Nosirab, Clegg Pattersmith, Clegg (oddly, again) Ughlumpoomps and my redtaurant reservation name is always Cortez.
In honor of our family’s new connection with NOLA, I, too, must come up with a French alternative name.
And, to answer your question, Matt Pepperdeaux is you. These alternative names are friendly disguises; we are unchanged behind them.
I have settled on a fake French identity: Gregory Barileaux, originally from Frenchville, Maine. .
Just call me, Fabulocity
Mesdames et Messieurs, je voudrais présenter Claudette Krauseaux
Matt Pepperdeaux probably wears a tweed blazer to class and smokes cloves around finals time.
You’ve inspired me to add a French twist to my normal alias — now introducing, Joy Bontecou.