Sweet and Pungent

Yesterday two classmates came over and we spent a few hours cooking and eating a festival of Chinese food. Rest assured that all was authentic, as our head chef was from China. One dish consisted of boiling and then frying an egg in chicken flavored oil. The jury is still out on that one, but all the other dishes (shrimp, beef, chicken, fish,) were fantastic. It was a good break from what has been an otherwise work-oriented past few days. Did you know that the word for law in Chinese is actually comprised of two characters, one representing, “law as it should be” and the other, “law as it is” ? I find that to be profound.

Since the countdown to finals has begun, the onus to study and outline has increased as have general stress levels. Luckily I am not behind in anything (in fact, I’ve been getting ahead in my reading,) so all that remains for me to do is to outline and review. I’d like to think that I’ve been taking good notes, so I hope that the outline process will be more of a review rather than a frenzied search for information.

I am also looking into various options for summer employment. Although the job market is pretty bad right now, I’d like to get a paid position at a firm to gain some insight on that sort of work and a little money for next year’s expenses. If that does not pan out, there are many internships (sadly unpaid) that I can apply for. Any and all leads appreciated!

As per life in NOLA, it hasn’t been bad at all. It has been getting quite cold when the sun goes down, so although the telltale signs of fall are mostly absent here, I can feel the change of the seasons. Now would be a great time for a jacuzzi out in the back yard… Well, back to to work!

1 thought on “Sweet and Pungent

  1. Chris

    “Law as it should be” vs. “Law as it is.” Brilliant.

    That was probably the world’s very first lawyer joke.

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