Madison, WI

Hey there, just wanted to put out a quick update about the protests going on in Madison, WI. First, I support the right of public workers to unionize. Period. Second, I wonder whether comments like this will come back to burn Republicans:

“The people who are not around the Capitol square are with us,” said Rep. Robin Vos, a Republican from Rochester and co-chair of the Legislature’s budget committee. “They may have a bunch around the square, but we’ve got the rest on our side.”

Isn’t that what Mubarak’s people said in the earlier days of the uprising in Egypt?

Comments such as these should put all progressives in Wisconsin who are not out there protesting on notice. Don’t let them get away with this. Go protest if you can, or write these Republican politicians to let them know that while you may not be there, you are not “on their side.”

Which side are you on?

2 thoughts on “Madison, WI

  1. Gregory Bariseux

    Best comment in response to Brooks’ column:

    Brooks’ points on public-sector v.s private unions is well made.

    But it would be more credible if Brooks and the rest of the never-right-wing hadn’t first given billionaires massive tax cuts THEN argued for austerity.

    American used to be run by a number of un-written rules, amongst them: “The poor fight the wars, and the rich pay for them.” Then, under the right wing and their anointed Bush43, we spent $2 Trillion (half so far, the rest to come) on the Iraq war, while giving the rich a tax cut!

    Now, the US economy is a disaster, so they get on their moral high horse and ask that teachers getting $40,000 a year have to pay for the Iraq war, and the Wall Street debacle.

    Hey, that’s fair.

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