Rain and rainbows.

It’s a horrible rainy day today – so un-summerlike I can’t stand it. My mood is kind of akin to the weather… The internship thing is getting old. I’m working on a website doing tedious work using FrontPage (ugggh!). Plus the server where the site is hosted must be 15 years old because it sure does everything real slowly. When you are designing websites, nobody gives a damn about you. Sure the moment of unveiling is nice – the oooh aaah (and complaints) factor, but frankly to be toiling away like this is a little un-rewarding. I think my mom is right when she says that this is not something to make a career out of – it’s way to anti-social. Sadly, I can’t say that I particularly like any of the other interns… the only lady I really talk to is the person whose office I share.

But I guess these feelings aren’t so unique, especially at an intern level. I had lunch the other day with a young lawyer who graduated from Trinity in the late 90’s. Our connection was through a professor we mutually liked. Anyway, he said his intern work for the ACLU was rather isolating as well. But he said that once you have an advanced degree and a paying job, well, then its a different story.

The internship ends at August and I’m glad. I’m ready to make some money doing things. I’m trying to get a position as a gardener with the Parks Service, so hopefully that will pan out. Oh, and btw. everyone, the Peace Corps application is looking good – my medical forms have been reviewed and I passed! After I fininsh up with the dental work (filling) I will send it in, then hopefully get an invitation within 1 – 2 months! I’m excited about this and nervous as well.

Okay I’m going to try to attach a picture file…. it’s of the back of my car and my unique rainbow job. Although I like seeing people with rainbow stickers I wanted to do something a little different. Considering how un-artistic I am, I’m quite pleased with it. On that note, I’m thinking about getting a rainbow choker… I’ve wanted one for a while, and I figure I need something to cancel out the polo shirts 🙂

For now.

1 thought on “Rain and rainbows.

  1. Anonymous

    What is the physical like for the Peace Corp? Do you need one for the Park Service too?

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