South End Blues

Going to the South End always makes me feel crappy on one level.  I see this bustling gay community and all these cute couples and realize that I’m not a part of it and that I have no boyfriend.  Grrrr!  But I wonder if I could really actually live in a place like that.  On the one hand it’d be a great way to meet people, but then on the other, it might just be too small for its own good.  Kinda like some colleges… um welll, anyway…
Went up w/Johannes to the top of the Prudential.  The Hancock is closed so I can’t understand why one is open and one isn’t.  I guess the Hancock building is worth more.  Went to see the Shakespeare in the commons but got rained out after the start of the second act.  What we did see was fun though.
Tomorrow we are off to the Jersey Shore.  Yes boys and girls, it’s that time of the year again.  White sandy beaches, cheezy amusement parks, and endless chocolate ices 🙂  Although I had a little funk in the South End, I’m feeling in a good mood now… yes, that does actually occur time to time.
I need to learn to play golf.  I keep going by golf courses in my town, on the way to work, all the fuck over.  I can’t imagine it is that difficult a game (I mean really old fuckers and fatties play all the time.)  So I’m looking for a golf instructor for free – any ideas, email me.
Oh, and I shall write an opinions article for the Tripod (as an alumnus contributor) for August.  I’m thinking about writing about Bill Cosby or the wildly increased security/surveilance that is occuring in Boston.  What do you think is more interesting?  I’ll post it here for sure.  OK off to watch Falling Down – the quintesential American movie.

1 thought on “South End Blues

  1. Anonymous

    Yep, I know exactly where you’re coming from with that crappy feeling. Same here: bustling campus community, cute couples, and I’m still single. And an admin at that, a word that most students associate with prohibitionist authoritarians. Doesn’t stop either one of us from scouting around though 🙂 As for your Tripod article, I personally think the Cosby issue is more interesting, as it’s a more unusual news item.

    What are your plans for NY, by the way? Because I’m going to be going to a folk festival this weekend. Interested in stopping by?

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