Tuna Salad

The previous entry was a little morose and confused. Although I certainly do not want to back away from that… it was genuine, I think it time to post an update. The past few days here have seen things get better. There is one story in particular that I’d like to share.

I brought a lawn chair outside to read a book. As I was sitting there I hear a scratching noise by the main gate to my host (gazda) family’s house. I didn’t think much of it, and ended up going to the store and buying a few things. Well later in the day I’m back to the book and again I hear the noise, scratch scratch on metal. This time I want to get to the bottom of it so I head over to the gate and locate the source. From what I can tell, some kind of animal had become trapped in the gutter pipe. So I bring my flashlight down from my room and prop the ladder up to the roof. I shine the light in the pipe and… nothing! The animal had obviously retreated in fear of my presence. But I knew it was in there and trapped. So, luckily without my gazda family seeing, I dissasemble the pipe. I give it a little shake, and out from the bottom comes a little bird. It flew away chirping.

This little incident had a great impact on me. If I had not been there, that little bird would most likely have died in the pipe.

That and the fact that things have been improving on other fronts. I feel like I’m more part of the group – if not the entire group than at least those individuals in my satelite town. Language is difficult, but conceptualy it makes perfect sense. It’s finaly becoming sunny and the weather is delighful for a beer or two in a nearby outside cafe with some of the group. In a week, I’ll again start teaching (the practicum,) so perhaps with that I’ll feel even more like I’m doing something positive.

So all in all, I think I’ll stick it out. Don’t be fooled, though, it’s not yet completely right and I’m not here 100%. But, I’m here more than I was a few days ago, and I think I’ve reached a level at which I can continue throughout PST #2. This is a big step forward, and I can only hope that things continue on track. Thanks you all,

4 thoughts on “Tuna Salad

  1. GQ

    The sense of belonging will only grow as time passes and you build on your experiences there. With the sun shining and a life saved what could be better!!!!! XXXXOOOOGQ

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