Blowin’ In

Tonight for dinner I had pork chops and mashed potatoes with thai hot chilli sauce. Mmmmmm. Regarding my previous post, well, I guess that is what you get with a PCV and a blog. Some days here really suck and every now and then I’m compelled to document my frustration. However, I want to emphasize that it represented a funky moment, and that I’m still here and doing what I need to be doing. Sometimes all you need to get it back together is a little time – just to decompress, do something else. Today was one of those thrilling days where spring was attempting to blow in but being resisted by winter. Most of the snow on the ground is now just water and there is a certain freshness in the air. I’m planning my vacation for April and will join a gym on Monday! I am also in planning stages for a student summer camp that I will run with another PCV. Fear not, WD loyalists, the show, as it must, will go on!

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