Abortion and the Radical Christian Right

** Warning – The Following Audio is Graphic – Listener Discretion Advised **

I do my best to keep up with the state of affairs back home, a feat that is largely aided by the internet. One of my most enjoyable means of doing this is via. the Mike Malloy Show, which I download from The White Rose Society. Mike is a talk show host who is dead on, and amazingly unabashed. His anger and analysis highlight everything that has gone wrong in our country while reminding us that rational thought is still possible. Tonight, while eating dinner (roasted chicken, white rice and cauliflower with garlic sour cream dip,) I was listening to his program. For the first two hours he kept mentioning a controversial statement he was going to read from “a blog.” Well, at about the time I was finishing up my food, thankfully, he got around to the reading. Please listen:

Mike Malloy Reads “My Heartfelt Apology to South Dakota.” – MP3


Blog – “Come Armageddon
Statement – South Dakota Republican State Senator Bill Napoli
Reading – Mike Malloy
Archive – White Rose Society

1 thought on “Abortion and the Radical Christian Right

  1. CRBS

    Typical fundie logic.

    Good grief.

    I really can’t think of anything else to say about this.

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