National Myths

What really happened on September 11th, 2001?

Well, let’s just say this. The number of oddities and inconsistencies that occurred on that day are hard to chalk up as coincidence.

For those of you who have serious questions about the official story, you need to see:

Loose Change – 2nd Edition

This video documentary, available for free from Google Video, looks at the events of September 11th in a critical light. Although many of the assertions contained therein are agreed to be hoaxes, this effort to summarize the tragedy reads like a good first (or second) draft.

See it for yourself and then decide – what really happened?

Addendum: I have received a few emails regarding this post, most of which ask me to remove it because it is seen as an endorsement of a conspiracy theory. This post does not wholly endorse the film, but promotes it as worthy to be watched and contemplated. While the film itself does not offer a cut and dry answer to the official version of events, it does, in my opinion, raise some serious and important issues with that version. As is the case with any group of individuals attempting to prove a point, events and unknowns will be portrayed in a light suitable to achieve those ends. Just as Fahrenheit 9/11 can not be understood as an objective film, that does not completely discount its merit as an important piece of the record regarding the events of September 11th.

Therefore I offer this link to you with the question, “how do you feel about this?” If you wish to call it blatant propaganda, I see no issue with that whatsoever. And if, on the other hand, you find some of it compelling, then by all means continue the investigation as you see fit. To remove this post would be to silence an opinion that may indeed contain some clue to uncovering the sum of events which occurred up to and on that day. As a concerned citizen, it is my duty to question the official story, however that questioning may be turned against me. We live in very dangerous times, and if we continue to accept “the story,” we may find ourselves in a very ugly place very soon. So I again offer you, loyal reader, the chance to view this film and draw some conclusions. If you have any comments, please make them here – anonymous comments are of course welcome.

p.s. for an example of a more prosaic approach to this investigation, see David Ray Griffin’s article regarding the WTC senario. This work is available on other sites as well, and the entire site deserves a through look through, espeically in regards to a critical reading of the above video! FYI, the site notes about the video that: “Loose Change… includes so many red herrings and transparently flawed arguments that it is unlikely to persuade anyone of its conclusions who is not already inclined to accept them. Because Loose Change is a mixture of true, false, and unverifiable claims, it suggests an exercise: read the film’s transcript and guess which claims are valid.” A point by point analysis of the film can be found here… So, as I again stress, understand this video as such and let the comments rip!

1 thought on “National Myths

  1. Romerican

    Keep the post. Who are the fascists trying to browbeat you into silence? There are questions about the official story, whether one believes them to be yet more ‘errors’ or some other kind of reality shaping. What’s next, no more talk of JFK? Not all tinfoil hats are equal.

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