Quick Fix

My father once accidentally broke a key off our family computer’s keyboard. This happened around December. The following April, while trimming the lawn, I found the scattered remains of a keyboard all across the backyard. There was also an old Toshiba laptop, which, having reached the end of its much abused life, found a similar fate awaiting itself. So it is in the family. Something breaks, it’s gone. Although I myself have had a few victories, notably with computers, my skill for fixing things these days seems to rank just a hair above my fathers.

So I got this washing machine for free. It belonged to a teacher who no longer needed it, and kindly, she let me have it. It was never a glorious machine, indeed it was quite old. But, being of German make, it still worked well enough, if loudly. Last week during the usual tumbling, I heard a new noise. It was going “tumble, scratch, splash,” normal, when followed, “bang, twaaang.” When a washing machine goes, “bang, twaang,” it’s not good. But the cycle managed to finish. Today I dump a fresh load in, and after filling up, again, “bang, twaang,” only this time following the frightening racket, the drum stops spinning and instead I can hear that sound of a motor trying to move but making no process – you know, that strained buzzing.

Perhaps I overloaded the machine and nothing is really wrong, I think. So, removing half the load I fire it back up only to get one cycle followed by that buzzing. I take all the clothes out and start it up, but no progress is to be had. At this point I become convinced that something has gotten stuck somewhere in the works… a stray sock perhaps. Not having much to do and feeling adventurous, I decide that I’ll fix it.

Three hours later:

Tomorrow I’ll be going shopping for a second-hand washing machine. I think I’ll stick to teaching…

6 thoughts on “Quick Fix

  1. Mom

    You have had a great deal of success…with certain items. Those with pipes and water should be a red flag. Remember the kitchen sink? I gather they don’t have laundromats in TM? Get working on that business start up with disposable clothes and sign me up as your first client.

  2. Sarah

    Or I can teach you how to wash your clothes by hand. You get used to it after a awhile, and well, you’ve seen the biceps I have from it.

  3. grandpa

    Matthew, i have to tell you—your gm&i got such a good laugh out of your little episode with the washing machine, one that we havnt had in a long time—-.Love, G&G

  4. MsFreud

    A poor old toaster- it burned my grandfathers toast one time too many- so he took it in the backyard and swung the frickon thing by it’s cord over his head like a lasso… and launched it over the back fence into the desert.
    This is how I fix things now. 🙂

  5. john k

    I was expecting a story of triumph of man over machine. My heart sank as I finished the story. But Sarah is right, washing by hand isn’t so bad if you have a big tub and a little time.

    By the way, I’m going to the “Taste of Romania” in Chicago on the 16th. Roasted pigs and live music! I’ll be sending a few hundred pounds more of books to PCVs in Romania. Anybody wanna kick in some dough?

    Additionally, I’ve submitted my Peace Corps application.

    John – estielmo(at)yahoo(dot)com
    07-09 wanna-be

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