6 thoughts on “All American

  1. mom

    You are uniquely American!!! You look Great. What are you holding? It doesn’t look like a donut.

  2. Greg

    Save for the snippets of Romanian on some the signs, this could be 4th of July, Asbury Park, N.J. boardwalk.

  3. Anonymous

    mr. matthew, ru smoking a cigarette??? — if so put it out right now, you know full well the trouble it got me into — , smoking that is. staly well, gp

  4. WD

    It is really a little American flag that I yoinked from one of the doughnuts…

  5. CRBS

    What, no pink shirt and popped collar?

    You should have greeted the doughnut guy with “Hey Jack, gimme a cheeseboyger and don’t you people got one amusement park in this god damned country?”

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