Good Times!

Had a great weekend. Went down to Portland which is a really gay friendly city. Met some guys and went out to the club there, fun! The next day I went with J to Camden where we saw a speech by Jim Hightower which was sponsored by the Maine Civil Liberties Union. Camden was beautiful and I was really excited about my company. After the show we left town (too expensive, but cute) and stopped by Augusta to visit another friend. The whole day entailed a bit more driving than I would have liked, but was well worth it; it’s great to get to know people elsewhere and broaden one’s horizons, after all, I’m no local boy 😉 I have also added a new photo gallery, so check it out and get a feel for Lewiston.

1 thought on “Good Times!

  1. danno

    Hey M,
    I just wanted to draw your attention to a podcast done by a guy I know here in Budapest. In one of the more recent episodes he talked with a professor who was exiled from Romania. Here’s the brief:

    To be an exiled writer, wrote Joseph Brodsky, is like being a dog of a man hurdled into space in a capsule, and your capsule is your language. Hungarian writer Sándor Márai no doubt knew the feeling.

    Marcel Cornis-Pope, a professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University, spent two months in Budapest doing research on writers like Brodsky and Márai and a host of others from Central and Eastern Europe who were forced to leave their homelands.

    Originally from Romania, Cornis-Pope says a completely different facet of national literatures in Eastern Europe was developed abroad, re-defining the concept of ”national literature”.

    The website is (no URLs? wtf?) triple W dot budacast dot hu (look a bit down the page) and the direct mp3 link is triple W dot budacast dot hu slash shows slash uprooted dot mp3

    Glad things seem to be working out in Maine. Cheers buddy!

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