1 thought on “Note from a DFH

  1. Big Tex

    I am actually surprised that people are shocked by these types of comments from Mr. Obama. Maybe it is because I was able to see what he was doing before most. I saw him stand at the left part of the political spectrum when he was in the primary with Hillary. Now that he has won his nomination he has correctly understood that he cannot win the election with just hardcore lefties, but needs a broader coalition. So, now he is tracking back to the middle. Comments like these and about his agreement with the Supreme Court decision on guns and the second Amendment clearly see this. Does this represent flip flopping on issues, yes to a certain extent, but in a larger sense it depicts Mr. Obama for what he is.

    Mr. Obama is a typical politician. What makes him any different from any other democrat that has come down the pipeline in the last 50 years. He is in favor of income redistribution, he wants to raise taxes, he believes it is the government’s job to fund social programs, etc. How is this any different from anything you have heard before? Just like Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, etc he went far left to win the nomination and then ran to the center in order to grab the moderates and independents. I do not fault him for this strategy, as I think its what needs to be done, but I question the newness to it. Where is the change Mr. Obama? I don’t see it.

    Now, republicans typically use the same strategy except in reverse. They usually campaign hard on the right and then track to the middle for the general election. This is simply the most effective strategy and I don’t condemn the strategy at all.

    I know many people who are becoming disappointed with Mr. Obama and his tracking to the center is the reason. Many of these people went to his caucus here in Colorado and diligently worked by organizing grassroots campaigns and door to door activities for him. They believed in him because they saw him as a new type of politician, but his current activities and shown him to be just another politician.

    And that is exactly what Mr. Obama needs to avoid.He needs to keep his supporters enthused. These next few weeks will be vital to doing that. If Mr. Obama chooses to continue to track right the Democrats might find themselves snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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