Go Joe!

I am thrilled that Obama has chosen Joe Biden to be his running mate. I was fortunate enough to see Senator Biden a few months ago at the College Convention in Manchester, NH. The Senator’s late night speech was rhetorically brilliant and immensely inspiring. We are extremely fortunate to have two such articulate men on the ticket, and I know that America will connect with Biden’s common touch.

2 thoughts on “Go Joe!

  1. Chris

    Agreed. He’s got a guy-next-door earthiness that will hopefully convince the confused masses who are still thinking Obama’s an uppity black with terrorist connections.

    I love what you’ve done with the place, by the way. Articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking blog.

  2. David Cappiello


    I think Biden is a good man. He’s promoted laws regarding domestic violence and done some good for our nation. He’s also recently promised that if possible, criminal charges will be brought against the outgoing administration.

    However, we should be a little concerned at Biden’s connection to the 1980s re-vamping and mandatory minimum (aka blacks life in jail) War on Drugs laws.

    This led to a dramatic increase in production and distribution of hard drugs, including crack, and locking up of millions of Americans (mostly poor blacks and latinos) some for decades, simply for being vaguely connected to the prime targets of the investigations.

    He has recently admitted that it wasn’t what he expected, and that some of the ideas behind it were wrong. Now, will he support ending the War on Drugs as we know it?

    Legalize Marijuana for medical and/or personal use? Decriminalize and medicalize hard drugs, to take them out of the (profit) and hands of criminals?

    This we don’t know.

    Obama’s platform seems to be missing any mention of the War on Drugs.

    Yes, Obama/Biden get my (our) vote in this same sex civil union family —– but we are concerned that if they win, they may not bring as much “change” as is needed.

    David C

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