Yellow Tie

Had a good time this weekend in NJ again. Cousin #3, Jen, finally got married to her longtime boyfriend, Jay. A nice open bar, decent food and a few good songs – all in all a good time was had. It was interesting, though, the difference between the two families. Our side is pretty well educated, mostly white collar individuals. On the other side was a group that was made up of mostly blue-collar, union affiliated skilled tradesmen. Although we were all enjoying the event together, the gulf between us was palpable. I don’t want to sound snobby saying this, but there was definitely a difference in class between the two halves. One guy in the groom’s party decided to buck the trend and just come in jeans and a t-shirt. Now, I can understand not wearing a tux, but a t-shirt? In my opinion, that an extremely disrespectful way to grab some free grub and booze. On a sadder note, the parents of the groom were obviously not even close to near to speaking terms. I wonder how it is to be celebrating your wedding w/ your divorced parents who hate each other in the same room.

I decided not to go campaign for Kerry today. Not because I’m totally lazy, but because if someone hasn’t made up their mind yet, he or she must be an idiot. With three debates down, and one to go, people should know who they support. I’m not even asking people to make a decision regarding the issues; I don’t care if the choice is made based just on style, looks, presentation, or whatever inane yardstick people use to judge the most important person in our government. I gave the DNC $50, one afternoon of canvassing in NH a few weeks ago and I intend to vote, though it don’t matter (MA,) and rant on my blog at fairly regular intervals. Thus, I feel as if I’ve done my job as an active citizen.

On another note, I went to the much hated mall today and bought a new jacket. It looks kinda like those two toned black/grey northface fleeces, but it doesn’t have that dumb logo and the connotations that come with it. Me look pretty!!!

1 thought on “Yellow Tie

  1. Big Tex

    Congratulations. I want to commend you for voting. There are so many people our age that say, “oh it doesnt matter if I vote”, and then choose not to vote. I am very happy that you have decided to vote.
    Anyone can rant and rave on their blog, but it takes a mature person to do so as a voter. Good Work B, I salute your decision to Vote!

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