Category Archives: Law School

Trip to the Jackson Barracks

It was a beautiful Monday here in New Orleans… blue skies and temperatures in the upper 60s. Today was also my first law school field trip. As part of my class on disaster response, we visited the Jackson Barracks, downriver from the lower ninth ward. We heard about the efforts to restore buildings that took on 12 feet of water, the difficulties of historic preservation, and pilot projects for military housing. Attached are some pictures from the trip… enjoy!

Also, see photos from WPA work at the Jackson Barracks.

Getting the Shot

I’ve spent most of the afternoon sleeping as a treat for completing a very hectic few days. As you may be aware, Tulane Law is well known for its environmental law program, and each year the school is host to a student-planned conference. This year’s Environmental Law Summit was entitled: “Defining Green in Times of Change,” and featured a range of speakers and panels centered around the theme of change in the environmental movement as reflected by both our new administration and the current economic crisis. Early in the year I got involved in the environmental law society and have held the title of Summit Technology Chair. Up until a few weeks ago, my main task was to develop the Summit’s website ( As the Summit neared, however, I became responsible for making sure that all the panels were filmed, the speakers’ PowerPoint presentations worked, and the rooms were properly amplified.

Oh, and then there’s the play. For the fourth year running, a ragtag group of law students assembled to present an environmentally themed play as evening entertainment during the Summit. This year’s play was called MisLEAD and was a dark comedy about an old lead mining town that had run afoul of the EPA. I auditioned for a promptly received some small roles (EPA Man, Nurse and Attorney…) Though I didn’t have many lines, it was really great fun to be a part of the production. Come opening/closing night, we got our audience all liquored up and and suffice to say that it went over quite well.

Adding to the drama, as it were, was the fact that I had to make an oral argument for my legal research and writing class the following morning (alas, celebration was to be delayed for a day…) The oral argument was an extension of a major assignment I had completed before spring break, an appellate brief. Basically my ‘client’ was arrested at the threshold of his home without a warrant by police officers acting on an anonymous tip. This led to an analysis of both the Fourth Amendment and probable cause. The way the oral argument worked was that four of my classmates entered a classroom and took seats on opposite sides of the room. In the center isle, a podium was set up, and in the front of the classroom sat the judges (our professor and some senior fellows.) Each of was was alloted eight minutes to make our case. While eight minutes may not seem like a lot, it certainly felt like a long time while preparing my remarks. However, once I got up to the podium, that eight minutes just flew by. I was asked some tough questions, including some hypotheticals, but I think I handled them well and was able to cover the most important points of my argument.

Later that day that Summit continued with some great panels and our number one keynote speaker, author Bill McKibben. If you have not read any McKibben, I strongly encourage you to do so. Bill is a brilliant author who has written about the environment and the economy from a philosophical point of view that is a brand in and of itself. Before the presentation I got to meet Mr. McKibben and during his presentation I assisted him with his tech needs. It was a great thrill and honor to meet one of my favorite authors who is a genuinely kind and brilliant man. Following Bill’s address, a select group of us assembled at a fancy restaurant in the Warehouse District where we were feted with a six course meal, drinks and fine music. All in all, it was a fantastic conference and I look forward to being a part of it again next year! We’ll have video of the Summit panels and keynote addresses on the website soon.

A flash of anger.

Tonight there was a “Shabbat 1000” dinner at Tulane. Apparently, this is something that is held around the country which attempts to bring together massive amounts of Jews to share a Shabbat meal. Because of the large number of people (not sure it was 1000 though,) it was held in the gym of the athletic center here. As you might imagine, the gym has terrible acoustics, so when the Rabbi (Orthodox Chabad) began speaking through a makeshift loudspeaker system, it was very difficult to hear and understand him.

Anyway, after the women lit the candles, the Rabbi was apparently forbidden to use electronic devices. I missed this transition because I was up wandering around. So I was quite surprised when I glanced to the dais to see the Orthodox Rabbi slamming the table in fury because he was being totally drowned out and was unable to get the attention of the rather talkative audience. It was just this brief moment, but he was pissed as hell and it made me laugh a bit. I must be evil. Anyway, he did regain some semblance of control (but really, what were they thinking?) and after a short inaudible service we were allowed to eat! Aah, redemption!