Category Archives: VISTA Maine

Not so major announcement

I’m still alive – in fact, I’ve been feeling very alive these past few weeks, so excuse the lack of postings. A brief update: I have secured housing in New Orleans; I will be sharing a small house about a mile from campus with two other guys. The process was not easy but it seems to have worked out well. I have met a wonderful guy, someone with whom I can be myself. I got to see a bunch of my very good friends in a special place. Not all is well in the world, but Fortuna’s wheel (too often down,) is now up. Any suggestions?


I feel terrible about the flooding that is going on in the American Midwest. Sadly, however, it seems to fit, given the multitude of severe earth events that have been going on of late. As I was lying on the beach by the lake, watching the cloud cover blow away to reveal the sun, I came to the epiphany that mother nature is not going to go down without a fight. I think sometimes the arrogance of the human condition causes us to forget that mighty species have before been wiped from existence. The extent of the damage we have done to and stress we have put upon this earth is becoming more explicit by the month. Like any wounded being, mother nature (if you will,) will fight its own obliteration with increasing ferocity.

Police stop a home owner from returning. ©AP

On a lighter note, I had a fantastic time with Chris last weekend!

Meow Mix

Over the past few years I’ve made some dramatic choices in my life. I guess the most dramatic was joining the Peace Corps and venturing half way around the world for 2 1/2 years. Those times were tough but rewarding, and I don’t regret them at all. However, after I was finished with the Peace Corps I could have either gone right to law school or taken some time off. I decided to do the latter, and although I had originally wanted to do a cross-country road trip, I ended up taking a VISTA position in Maine. Thinking about that decision now, with just a few months left, I think I made a mistake.

I had hoped that Maine would be a rustic welcoming place, but instead I found it cold and suspicious. I imagine that part of the difficulty I experienced here was the fact that I was transitioning; we are warned by the Peace Corps that re-adjustment is a difficult process. But I can’t help but feel that I’ve wasted precious time here, and frankly that feeling just sucks. I have come to realize that I need to be in an environment that is more conducive to socialization. I’m not a giant party animal but I like to have things to do and a good group of friends to do them with (who doesn’t?) Unfortunately, as an outsider, I’ve had a really hard time establishing that here.

This lack has led me to question myself and since I tend to be my harshest critic, it’s kinda a depressing cycle. I have had my moments of expanding beyond my comfort zone, but things just haven’t clicked on a satisfactory level. Though there have been some great moments and people, these have been fragmented and too far in between. I yearn to belong somewhere and no longer be transient, but I haven’t found that place yet, and so continue to search, always looking out for what may lie just around the corner.


Do you ever find that a swift kick in the ass is sometimes absolutely necessary? Well that’s what I got this week at work. And you know what? I deserved it. I had set out some very interesting projects for the office and not followed through with what I had said I would do. I’m not sure what it was that got me into a rut of low productivity, but really it doesn’t even matter; I’m here to do a job and I need to do that job to the best of my abilities. Once I was able to realize that their criticisms were not personal I worked on re-adjusting my attitude. I’d like to thank those people who helped me understand what was going on and what I had to do. This all said, I feel great. Today we went for a free lunch at the brand new dining hall at Bates – wow! It’s a stunning space and will give other NESCACs a run for their money. Next week I’m giving a presentation on the Peace Corps at the Lewiston Public Library and the following week I’ll be participating in a student leadership conference in Augusta. I feel a renewed sense of importance about what I’m doing and I also feel good about myself – who I am and what I can offer.