Category Archives: VISTA Maine

Shame on me?

When I was entering my senior year of high school, my parents bought me a new car. After careful research we settled on a Chrysler Cirrus. There were many factors behind this choice; I was looking for an American car that was sleek and powerful. Although it’s had a few sensor issues, it has performed well (for an American car,) and is still my primary means of transportation these days. Now that I’m up in Maine, and earning a salary (barely) I have assumed most responsibilities for the car, such as lube jobs and, yes, gas. I just got back from the pump about $40 in the hole. Curious how soon this damage would again be inflicted, I went to and looked up my car – what I found was somewhat surprising.

The MPG estimates for a ’99 Chrysler Cirrus are 17 city / 25 highway. As a comparison, I looked up my parents’ new Prius – 48 city / 45 highway. The site does a handy calculation of “annual fuel cost.” This is based on an estimated 15K driven per year with gas costs at 2.88/gal. Based on these numbers, the cost to fuel my car for one year is $2,160 – or – as an AmeriCorps volunteer, about 2 months salary. But I chose to be a volunteer, right? Yeah. By the way, the annual fuel cost of the Prius is under 1K!

But this isn’t just a whine about expenses, rather one about choices. I wanted a 6 cylinder car because, face it, 4 cylinder cars just aren’t as fun to drive. Therefore I seek American Muscle, affordable power. But what is the price of such bullishness? Can we still have powerful “American” style cars in this era, or is this desire incompatible with global realities, indeed even irresponsible? I’d hate to say so. I’d like to think that American Muscle can be green (see the Tesla Roadster.) But at what point does this model become affordable to the average consumer, and what’s to stop Toyota from building it first? I’m optimistic about change happening, but I fear that past mistakes will keep us far behind the eight ball for quite some time.

“But you can’t get there from here”

Thanks for your supportive comments and remonstrances, both were needed… Anyway, I am better now, so much so that today on the way back from a hike I stopped by a roadside BBQ place and had a pulled pork sandwich! Below you’ll see some photos from that hike where, atop a small mountain, stands an abandoned fire tower. The cool part is that it’s open, all the way to the top!

On another note, someone in the neighborhood has a little yappy dog; I’m not sure where this dog resides but I’m glad I don’t. At night, beginning at around 8, he will start his nightlong yap fest. It’s especially annoying because it is not a constant yap, but rather sporadic yet predictable, like a certain windshield wiper setting. Being that it is summer and my humble abode is without air conditioning, every now and then this high pitched “yap yap yap yap” comes floating into the apartment. I’m reminded of our late family dog, an Akita. Although he had his issues (bit multiple friends/relatives, etc.) he was never unnecessarily vocal; when Lucky barked you knew that something was up, usually a stranger approaching the front door.

Thus I’m lead to wonder about the apartment in which this little yappy thing resides. Do its owners find the nightly yapping an endearing trait? Or is it that they are all sitting in a circle engaging in the nightly 5 hour long “spin the dog” session, thus causing the poor thing to yelp anew in fear each time it is whirled among familiar yet cruel faces in the dizzying smoke filled candlelit room? Who knows? Seems like in this town, anything is possible; indeed I’ve found myself humming tunes from Twin Peaks while driving around. Still looking for the white lodge…


The lack of updates is due to some nasty intestinal problems that have got me shuffling around like a 80 year old… Warning, do not eat at KFC in Lewiston, ME – I think that’s what did me in.

Lucky Me

Seems like someone in the neighborhood has set up a wireless network with no security, so, free internet for now. I have just moved into my new place in Maine. I live on the third floor of an older style house. The setup isn’t fancy by any means, but it is spacious, and best of all, there is a screened in porch/deck in the back. I’m still only half unpacked, and am hoping to just walk around town tomorrow and get a feel for the place. I can say that there is a little local convenience store around the corner and my office is only three blocks away. So far so good! More coming, with pictures, soon!

Loopy Loops

Hi folks, it’s been a long time, but I am still here. Where am I? Well, that depends on when you read this post. For the next few days I’ll be at home in MA and then I’m up to Maine next week. For the past month I’ve been doing quite a few things. Most important to me has been visiting family and friends. My first loop was to see family in both New Jersey and New York – though I didn’t see everyone, I hit up most. Highlights from Jersey included: BBQ at my cousin Bette’s place, Asbury Park’s 4th of July parade with my Aunt, a big family brunch at a diner with Gram and the frozen drinks poolside at the Empress Motel. In New York, I spent some quality time with my Grandparents where I learned more about my Grandfather’s time spent during the Second World War.

After a few days back I did another loop, this time visiting some friends. Thanks to all of you who put me up, and to those I didn’t see, let’s make it happen next time. Highlights from that loop included: seeing the facial expressions of Dan and Trishan upon tasting some of my famous Romanian plum brandy (tuica,) dinner with James at Tisane, the sports bar at Buckland Hills with Rick, beers with Jude and Andrew, Longwood Gardens with Melissa and intense conversation with Jon.

At the end of this second loop I was lucky enough to attend the wedding of my two dear friends Kate and Nate. The event was held at Glen Magna Farms in Danvers, which was the perfect venue for their big day. After the ceremony we caravaned to Revere Beach for ice cream which was just perfect! Meanwhile, I’ve been going to Walden Pond a bit, contemplatin’, eating well, and enjoying my down time.

My next batch of posts will be from Maine where I will be working as an AmeriCorps VISTA Leader for Campus Compact. Of course, more information will be forthcoming as I learn the ropes there myself. I do hope to have myself situated soon so that I can host visitors. You can now find the final photo album and some videos from Peace Corps Romania in the photo gallery. Thanks for sticking with me during the past two + years, and I hope that I can continue to deliver for this next one… onward!