Category Archives: What The …

Sometimes I like to come up with alternative goofy names for myself and others… tonight:

Matt Pepperdeaux

What would he be like, this Pepperdeaux?

Switching Gears

Life is kinda strange; one minute you are at an all you can eat Chinese buffet and the next you are party to a deep conversation about Kabbalah and the four methods of reading Torah.

MMM… Melty

Hoodia is a spam term… where does that come from?

Anyway, I fell for this absurd thing as a consumer. Swiss Miss, which makes non-gourmet hot chocolate has a feature where you can get the mini-marshmallows from the bag. It’s a double bag, one of the powder another of the microscopic dried marshmallows. You mix the two and supposedly have the effect of freshly melted marshmallows. Sorry, but I have to tell you folks, that it just doesn’t cut it. Now I’m sipping the hot chocolate with real mini-melted-marshmallows and it’s mighty fine. Like, how hard is it to keep a bag of marshmallows around? D’oh!