Fools and Flags

Our media is so pervasive that sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go without it entirely. Even in remote Uzbekistan, I had shortwave radio and satellite TV. I am particularly interested in reading James Howard Kuntsler’s second book in the “World Made By Hand” series titled The Witch of Hebron.

I long for both the here and the distant, bats swooping across the gloriously moonlit hills. I worry that I am too entertained by TV, albeit of my own choosing at my time. I wonder what I could realistically grow to survive.

Don’t worry folks, not going off the deep end here, but certainly treading some intense waters. I think that we all are, but we haven’t yet admitted it collectively. My cause for optimism is that perhaps we’ll rebuild in a more equitable and sustainable manner. My only fear is that it will be so piecemeal, so segmented, individualized, customized, and misincentivized, that the “a-ha” moment will come far too late.

Modern day McCarthyism must not be tolerated in a free, open and democratic society, which we claim to be. I’m hardly throwing in the towel, but if we don’t get this seriously right, it’s gonna go way wrong.

A re-valuation of good will and enchanted spirit would go a long way.

In other news: Pepper is well. That is all.

3 thoughts on “Fools and Flags

  1. Charlette

    I am taking a break from the Media…that’s right no more npr no more Anderson Cooper; I am fed up with all of the noise.

    So glad Pepper survived the trip home and is thriving. I hope she is getting plenty of wet food in her diet.

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