Author Archives: WD

Health Care

It is unfortunate that Barak Obama was not able to move his health care agenda along faster. From never granting the single-payer option a seat at the table to distractions over racial profiling in Cambridge, he didn’t get ahead of the opposition on this issue. This is a shame. As a result, expect, starting now, a great uprising from the fringe right, led by types such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They are fomenting extremist racial hatred in opposition of meaningful health care reform. Click here to read a good take on the true motivations of the anti-reform crowd.

This kinda of action is sick, and it shows that we progressives need to fight back. If these people will not accept that the demographics of America are changing, and are willing to disrupt legitimate public debate to broadcast their fear and ignorance, it is our duty as progressives to take them on, head on. In this regard, I’d like to ask you to click the banner to the right and sign up to be a part of the movement to get health care reform passed through the grassroots. Remember, this is how President Obama was elected, and hopefully, this is how we can stand our ground against well funded interests hell bent on maintaining the status quo. Thank You.