Author Archives: WD

The New Blackwater

Blackwater has a new name and look. The infamous security company has been given a makeover, and if I’m correct, most Americans will forget.



From a design perspective, the new website has a much lighter background, and the main area has a white background. As if to escape the old name decisively, the webmaster sought to abolish the “black” from Blackwater. The new design makes me feel like I’m floating in some underwater mario world. I still find the new site sinister, however, thanks in large part to the surveillance blimp hovering above.

If you have read Jeremy Scahill’s book Blackwater, you are aware that the company’s founder, Erik Prince, is an extremely wealthy and powerful Dominionist. Taking this into account, I noticed two features of the new website that seem to be coded references to this fact. First, the logo of the new company, “XeServices LLC,” is itself very cross-like. If you can’t see that, just tilt your head 45⁰ to the left. Also, on the “About Us” page, one of the images used in that page is this:

Maybe I am reading too much in to things, but this latest story in The Nation makes me feel otherwise. It appears that Mr. Prince may have ordered killed individuals who had provided or were going to provide the federal government with information regarding Blackwater’s criminal activities. In sum, Blackwater operatives knowingly committed war crimes and were enabled by a complicit federal government.

Stay tuned…

When life gives you an egg, make egg salad.

I’ve been back home for about a week now and I can throughly say that a change in scenery was well warranted. Coming home is always somewhat of an emotional challenge. Family and friends have grown and matured, and though many things appear to be familiar, often much has changed. I had a humbling moment this past weekend, involving an old flame, some confusion and hurt feelings. It sucked. The following day, my Dad and I attempted to go to Walden Pond… unfortunately, it was full when we arrived, and by the time we came back and were able to park, the lake was closed due to lightning in the area. I guess it was a failed weekend, one where things go wrong on most all fronts. But what can I say? Shit happens and people miscommunicate. So is life. After picking myself up from the floor and an evening of strong drinks, I feel an odd sense of clarity and calm; perhaps this is growing up. I am reminded of the old TR quote I liked so much which basically said that even when you lose one at least you know you are alive and you tried. For now, Italian ice replaces snowballs and I haven’t cooked a meal for days. What’s next?

Truth to Power