Author Archives: WD

Patriotic Video

A beautiful response to the much maligned (by me at least) “Proud to be an American,” Norman Lear’s brainchild, “Born Again American,” is a fitting tribute to the renewed spirit of citizenship that has swept our country:


On the front page of the New York Times an article about Obama’s economic policy states: “Barack Obama is drawing on techniques from his campaign and lessons from predecessors as he seeks to shape public attitudes about the economic downturn.”

Economic downturn? What we are facing is not a “downturn.” Such a term might be appropriate for a decline in sales of, say, one video game console following the highly anticipated release of a competing system. The current state of the economy is in more than a downturn; it had been stagnating for years (approximately 8, arguably many more,) and has recently been in precipitous decline.

Let’s move away from this milquetoast and disingenuous language. While I don’t doubt that Obama is fully aware of the gravity of the current crisis, I’m frightened about the extent to which our public discourse has become debased; when our paper of record defaults to such delusional and dulcified disquisition, one can only wonder if this is done in fear of frightening we the consumer. I guess that in an era of “premium” everything, we have become so inured to the bastardization of language that we accept such euphemisms with barely a second thought.

Great News

I really like the “Open for Questions” feature that has been going on over at For this second round (which was recently completed,) the new white house press secretary responded to the questions in a short video. Not only am I thrilled to see such an adaptation of modern technology at the highest levels of the Executive, but I also really like what I hear. Please watch this video to the end (or fast forward to 4:15) for some great news. A million small steps.

That Special Taste

Today was a great day. A few weeks ago I applied to be a professor’s research assistant and today I had an interview and got the job! I am thrilled because the work is right up my alley; I will develop the website for the institute which this professor spearheads. In addition to my gratitude upon being selected, I will also make a little money. Granted, it’s not much, but to have even a little flowing in (when it seems like it’s been all in the other direction for some time,) will be a great bonus. The second reason that today was a great day was because I received the grade for my 2nd memo from my legal research and writing class. I did well and am very happy with my grade; I think I’m starting to get this! The third reason that today was a great day was the Joyva. I drove all the way out to the suburbs to visit a kosher NY style deli in the hope that they would have some beloved Jewish candy which consists of bars raspberry jelly covered in chocolate. Well, they had em, and I bought them all. As I was doing a little shopping I noticed that people were very positive in their interactions with me. I guess I was just giving off a good vibe. I feel pretty and witty and gay!