Category Archives: Media

The Language of Crime

Life has been particularly engaging of late! I am taking on a lot of responsibilities at work and am learning the craft. I’ve also been fortunate to meet some amazing people recently; for it all, I am grateful.

Occupy Boston may be gone, but I’m still paying attention. Recently, rouge micro-trading software from Knight Capital Group briefly messed up the stock market. On the watch of Knight’s archetypical CEO, Thomas Joyce (57), the firm found itself in need of a $400M bailout. Knight, a leader in “market making,” has all the hallmarks of a sleazy financial services operator. If this story sounds familiar, you have probably read or heard about it, and that’s what I’m writing about.

As I followed the Knight story, I began to notice a certain similarity in the tone of the articles; Knight was blamed for errors, but never publicly charged with a crime, as is every petty criminal.

So, in homage to that sociology class I took back in college, I surveyed the coverage of the story. Starting, loyally, from the:

Knight Press Release : Technical Issue

Reuters : Error
WSJ : Snafu
FOX Business : Glitch
MSNBC : Glitch
NY Times : Debacle
CNBC : Debacle
Seeking Alpha : Malfunction

My sample size is admittedly small, but it’s pretty diverse and mainstream.

Something very important and very dangerous had happened. This event laid bare, or if you will, further exposed, the rigged nature of the financial services industry. And boy was it being hushed up. Criminal conduct is vast; whether with malice or recklessness, something had happened, and it needed to be contained. Containment of such explosive news begins with deliberate verbal soft-pedaling. “Gee-whiz” type language attempts to evoke empathy and chagrin. Accordingly, the exceptional, or infamous, is rendered common.

Who hasn’t ever made an error? Haven’t we all found ourselves in a snafu? And damn, who hasn’t experienced a technical glitch and/or malfunction? Heck, maybe we laugh about it all in hindsight. That said, I must reluctantly give the Times and CNBC the win here with debacle. Defined by in context, a debacle is “a complete failure.” Ouch.

The bottom line with Knight is that, as the very least, there was a certain wanton recklessness that any first year law student could tell you was criminal. So to start, Knight’s criminal behavior was couched in familiar language. Who hasn’t made a poor choice at a restaurant, gossiped and gotten into a bind, or attempted to re-string a weed wacker? Such errors, snafus, and malfunctions are routine. That they do not evoke alarm is the point.

In other news: New York settles with Standard Chartered for $340M on money laundering charges while the DOJ nets $300K from Barclays for same. Both banks, though they acted in direct contravention of the laws of the United States, continue to do business with and with the countenance of the government.

Complete failure is for chumps. Define the parameters of the debate, set the tone, and amplify.

Well, I think I smell skunk; I suppose I’ve said my bit.

Take care,



I dumped my Netflix streaming a while ago (went to DVD only) and got Amazon Prime streaming around the same time. One of the shows Amazon was featuring was the classic Hawaii Five-0. This gem, which aired from the late sixties up until 1980, was a favorite of my late grandmother’s. Through osmosis (annual summer visits to the Jersey Shore,) I too became a fan of this show. So I was pleased to find it available and in HD.

A lot of things strike me about the show, but don’t worry, I’m not going to go into all of them. Instead, I’d like to get a little more meta and talk about programming. The running time of classic Hawaii Five-0 episodes is 50 minutes. Each show has three commercial breaks (wipes). So if you sat down to watch the show for an hour, you’d have seen 10 minutes of commercials.

Okay, so that’s the setup.

Today at my gym, I decided to do the AMT, which is a freeform elliptical and is pretty intense. Although there is a great view out the window, it is obscured by a large personal entertainment center, mainly for network news and basic cable TV. Although they don’t have our local PBS station, WGBH, they do have MTV.

I cut the cord to cable in 2007. I’m not adverse to media, but I didn’t like how the large telcos were bundling and packing it through cable. The offerings and corporate attitude really rubbed me the wrong way; more is not always better. I still watch TV, just in better, and evolving ways. Except today I decided to watch MTV for a grueling half hour.

The show on was MTV’s True Life, a long-running documentary series that follows two young adults around as they make decisions and grow up. The theme of this show was, “I Might Disappoint My Parents.” One kid was poor, hispanic and from a single parent household; his issue was transitioning from DJ-ing for free to getting a paying job. The other kid was from a Persian family from Beverly Hills; he was writing a “memoir” about embracing American Life/LA Culture and rejecting his Persian heritage. This second kid’s parents, needless to say, were not thrilled with their son’s book idea; they were particularly irritated with his chosen cover, [below].

These kids’ stories, as fascinating as they are, apparently didn’t leave much to be gleaned by MTV’s producers. It hit me at about 18 minutes into the workout; I’d been watching more commercials than the show. Reliable Sources (IMDB) say that the show is a one hour documentary. If that is so, I would hazard that the actual runtime is between 35 – 40 minutes. At best, you would spend 1/3 of an hour watching commercials. I actually felt like I was watching the commercial channel with bits of TV breaks.

While this simplistic observation does not factor in DVRs, it is nevertheless worth noting.

Classic Hawaii Five-0 : MTV’s True LifeBeware, Link!
Shogun : e-book
Magazine Article : tweet

I’m cool with technology, but I’m not cool with the shortening of the human attention span. When a TV show from a generation ago seems like a paragon of thoughtful storytelling compared to today’s interrupted life, I’m reassured that much is indeed amiss. I like good stories like I like good people; both take time. If only I could turn that TV aside and just enjoy the view.


Come On, _____

Around town an on the internets a lot of people are saying, “Come on Irene.” This is a mondegreen of the 1982 song by Dexy’s Midnight Runners “Come on Eileen.” A mondegreen is a misheard lyric. I just wanted to point this out because as a fan of 1980’s music, I feel that a classic is being inartfully appropriated. Although “Eileen” and “Irene” are assonant (they resemble each others’ vowel sounds,) the two are not the same. That said, I’m hard pressed to come up with memorable songs with the word “Irene” in the title. So come on, Eileen; and America, get it right.

(not) Taxing the Rich; Losing Our Way.

Big Tex,

You posed an article by Robert Frank of the Wall St. Journal on my wall so I felt compelled to read it and respond thoroughly. Upon finishing my first read of the article, my mind was reeling attempting to harmonize its clever craftsmanship and highly disingenuous message; the WSJ is certainly getting its money’s worth with Mr. Frank.

Upon further contemplation, I was left with a lot of thoughts, which I’ll share below, after briefly recapping the author’s position.

Author’s Position

The article is motivated by the following correlation: those States most reliant on income tax revenue from their wealthiest citizens now face the largest deficits. Mr. Frank frames this subject by noting that this is emerging during a time of greatly increased public spending. He then notes that “as the incomes of the wealthy have grown, they have become less stable.” Mr. Frank acknowledges that there is a consensus that these top salaries are too tightly linked to the market. Nonetheless, this situation has left governments increasingly dependent upon their top earners for revenue.

This story is told through the personal story of Brad Williams, a former economic forecaster for the State of California. Mr. Williams retired from the State in 2007 and now runs his own consultancy. We learn that Mr. Williams had long been aware of this excess reliance on top earners. While working for the State, he advocated the following fixes: 1) flattening income tax rates, 2) allowing the wealthy to defer payments on windfall profits, and 3) establishing a “rainy day” fund. His proposals, however, were not adopted. Mr. Williams, however, felt vindicated by the recommendations of a bipartisan commission assembled by former Governor Schwarzenegger in 2009. The commission’s proposal to fix the State’s over reliance on income taxes from the wealthy was to decrease those taxes while increasing the general sales tax. As California remains beholden to its wealthiest, and by implication, to the market, Mr. Williams laments of having “no real pleasure in being right.”

My Thoughts

As I alluded earlier, the author of this article, Robert Frank, has spun this tale well. However, its unquestioned reliance on certain tacit assumptions, along with a gross disregard of other highly relevant factors, make it a staggeringly disingenuous work of art.

To his credit, Mr. Frank notes how the top tax bracket has fallen from 90% during WWII to 35% today. But instead of analyzing this massive decrease, he instead highlights how today, those earning over $379,000 are taxed twice that of those whose salaries are under $69,000. This “twice as high” tax rate is presented as a great injustice while the broader 55% decrease is included as mere background. Mr. Frank fails to examine how these massive tax reductions for the wealthy helped create the very conditions which underlie the current crisis.

Throughout the article, the increased accumulation of wealth is treated as inevitability. Furthermore, the article dismisses, as asides, other factors that have lead to the current crisis, namely decreased corporate taxes. As anyone following the saga of General Electric is aware, large corporations, while thriving, are paying far less in taxes than before. These profits are instead going into CEO and senior executive pay. Since these outsize compensation packages are directly tied to the stock market, they foment instability. Thus, public officials, instead of leading, are left studying Wall St. to “more accurately predict state revenues.”

In essence, this story is about how US public policy regarding taxation has empowered the super-wealthy to leverage their wealth so spectacularly as to ensnare all of us in their vagaries. The US economy has been split in two, leaving government constantly one step behind, trying to fix what has already transpired while the next movement is afoot.

The proposals that the author endorses, those espoused by Mr. Williams, are cruel and cynical. To escape the current volatility, it is suggested that income taxes be lowered and sales taxes increased. Such a proposal would further impoverish the state, enrich the already wealthy, and burden the poor and middle class.

Mr. Frank fails to examine other, more progressive policies, that could help address the current volatility in state revenues. Higher income taxes for the very wealthy might well temper current excesses in market-based speculation. And decreasing income polarization would itself engender more stable revenue collection models, thus allowing states to better plan for and wisely craft their spending priorities.

Instead, we’re one again pitched tired old proposals which do little more than privatize profit while socializing losses. We’re told that states will benefit if the super-rich are allowed to spread out their income tax payments on windfall profits over multiple years. In the same breath, we’re encouraged to create a “rainy day” fund, the type which could ostensibly be funded by such windfall tax revenues. Mr. Frank’s vision would leave us poorer now and surely impoverished later.


Sorry, but if that’s the best that “conservative” America has to offer, then maybe we should start dragging the term “conservative” through the mud, like “social welfare” (aka Socialism) has been. As Bob Herbert has opined in his swan song at the New York Times, America has lost its way. Our extreme economic inequality now holds the majority of us hostage, and our elected officials appear to be indifferent, impotent or in-cahoots. Our system no longer serves us. Rainy day funds are not the answer to an America, Inc., which has become “too big to fail.”

So, Jim, those are my thoughts. This article is well crafted but wrongheaded. I respectfully disagree.


Fools and Flags

Our media is so pervasive that sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go without it entirely. Even in remote Uzbekistan, I had shortwave radio and satellite TV. I am particularly interested in reading James Howard Kuntsler’s second book in the “World Made By Hand” series titled The Witch of Hebron.

I long for both the here and the distant, bats swooping across the gloriously moonlit hills. I worry that I am too entertained by TV, albeit of my own choosing at my time. I wonder what I could realistically grow to survive.

Don’t worry folks, not going off the deep end here, but certainly treading some intense waters. I think that we all are, but we haven’t yet admitted it collectively. My cause for optimism is that perhaps we’ll rebuild in a more equitable and sustainable manner. My only fear is that it will be so piecemeal, so segmented, individualized, customized, and misincentivized, that the “a-ha” moment will come far too late.

Modern day McCarthyism must not be tolerated in a free, open and democratic society, which we claim to be. I’m hardly throwing in the towel, but if we don’t get this seriously right, it’s gonna go way wrong.

A re-valuation of good will and enchanted spirit would go a long way.

In other news: Pepper is well. That is all.